7/22/24-7/28/24 Training Log

7/22/24 Run- 1.6 hrs, 1,100′ gain

I’m starting out on my run and I see another runner only a few hundred yards ahead of me. It’s pretty desolate where I am running, more or less abandoned logging roads at White Pines, so I speed up to see if I know the runner and it’s….. Rob! Rob and I have a good history of doing some training runs together and a couple of epic local races where we have duked it out. It’s shocking how good of shape he is in right now at age 67 and after we agree to run together, he talks about doing Lake Sonoma 100k in October, in order to get his Western States qualifier. We run a bit of an improv loop and the route is fast, with gradual grades on the logging roads. Much better to have seen and run with Rob than go solo.

PM: Bike: 45 mins

45 mins that afternoon on the indoor bike after weight training. Tired at the end of the ride.

7/23/24 Run- 1.4 hrs, 1,300′ gain

Another controlled effort run at Sourgrass, mimicking pretty close to what I did yesterday. Felt a little fatigue in the first 10 minutes of the run which I shook off and ended up feeling pretty strong. My real motivation in running at Sourgrass is to get in the freezing river after and I’ve spent a lot of time hanging at the river this summer. It’s a 22 minute drive one-way from my house and really the best local spot- never crowded on weekdays, ice cold river water to soak in, and good rocks/beaches for hanging out.

7/24/24 Swim- 1.5 hrs, 3,700′ yards

The pool is grossly hot, as my watch reads 84 degrees when I get out. Despite that, I have yet another solid swim session and handle the end of the set, 8 x 200 yds IM well.

7/25/24 Run- 3.5hrs, 4,400′ gain

Big session up at altitude. I do 3 laps, going up Mt. Reba and down Lower Rings Trail and then recrewing at my car. It’s my first time doing this set up and it’s a big hit. Each lap takes me about 1.2 hrs, and consists of 6.2 miles and 1,500 gain. It’s super nice to recrew at the car each time and I hone in on my nutrition, taking in 290g of carbs in the 3.5hr effort. Miraculously, my right knee/IT Band doesn’t flare up on this big run. I focus a lot on engaging my left side, especially the left glute, after having it pointed that it’s possible my right side is jacked up due to a lack of engagement from my left side. In all ways this run is a win, from putting out some good paces with a lot of climbing and at altitude (11:14 min/mi), but mostly just feeling healthy.

7/26/24 Run- 1hr, 48 mins, 830′ gain

Did 4 miles or so solo at Glory Hole and then met up with Brad and Allie for the remaining 6 miles. Felt a remarkable lack of soreness from yesterday’s bigger effort. Was tiring by the end of the run but it was also getting plain hot as the run went longer.

7/27/24 Bike- 1hr, 48 mins, 2,592′ gain

Chose to hop on the bike this afternoon as opposed to go to swim practice, as swim practice was open water and I missed the date to register for the swim. Despite taking it easy in the morning and midday (went to Allie’s niece’s birthday), I felt totally depleted on the bike ride to Big Trees this afternoon. Had in my head to go the whole way to Beaver Creek but turned around at the first river spot, and made the seemingly never-ending climb back out of the Park. Major victory when I got home though as Katie had made extra dinner and I help myself.

7/28/24 Run- 2hrs, 5 mins, 2,310′ gain

I have a workout planned today from my coach and I tweak it slightly to make it 2 x 1,000′ gain, the first time I put my reps in terms of vertical gain as opposed to distance or time. I do it on Forest Road 7N08, right behind White Pines Lake, which is pretty gradual in grade. The first rep I run in 25:32 at 8:59 min/mi pace (6:49 min/mi GAP) and the second rep is 26:21 at 9:21 min/mi (7:08 GAP). I didn’t realize it’d take me near 3 miles to get the 1,000 of gain so the run ends up being longer than anticipated and I run a little short on hydration. Overall though, I’m pretty happy with the effort, albeit very tired from today’s run and the big week overall.

Final Weekly Stats:

Run: 10hrs, 22 min & 10,049 gain

Bike: 2 hrs, 32 mins, 2.6′ gain

Swim: 1.5 hrs, 3,600 yards

Weights: 2x sessions

1 Comment

  1. X22Mic

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

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