Today’s Miles: 11.5
Trip Miles: 42/2690
I wait as long as possible in the morning before walking by Mousetrap’s tent and letting him know I’m heading out. But not too far solo. Just a mile or so and then I’ll stop and wait for him. We are not taking the PCT back due to the sketchy conditions we encountered, and instead are taking an alternative route called The Robinson Creek trail. Mousetrap has the Robinson Creek Trail map downloaded to his phone while I don’t. However, I do have paper maps with me. The paper maps have come in handy but up until this point, I’ve been pretty reliant on phone navigation. So Mousetrap’s navigation will be a big asset on this alternative route.
I hike for a mile or so and wait for Mousetrap in the midst of a bunch of fallen trees. The trail connection is confusing here and I want to make sure we are linked up heading into this new route. I don’t need to wait long as he comes strolling around the corner, with his long brimmed hat and two different trekking poles. Mousetrap is from Texas and it’s fun to hear him use lingo like y’all.
Around midday, Mousetrap and I reach another group of 3 PCT hikers. They are currently on the Robinson Creek trail and then want to come back via the PCT. They tell us they don’t have trail names yet and introduce themselves as Eric, Grace, and Galen. Eric tells us we have “fallen tree hell” waiting for us ahead. As long as there’s no snow, I’m fine with that.
Eric is right, it really is tree fall hell, but occasionally we get 5 minutes or so of consecutive trail without having to climb or crawl under trees. I hike ahead of Mousetrap as his knee is still bothering him, and the trail unexpectedly shoots by a big body of water called Dead Lake. The name is fitting and the lake is eery, with the water taking the shade of black ink and a bunch of dead trees sticking out of it. It’s pretty cool though.
I roll into camp around 6:30 and immediately retreat into my tent once it’s set out. The mosquitos are out in force and I hope they will go away as it gets later. I kill an hour reading my book The Gates of the Alamo. Mosquitos are still out so it’s cooking dinner in the tent tonight. I read for another hour or so after dinner and then it’s off to bed for me.