- Today’s Miles: 11.4
- Ascent: 2,857 ft
- Descent: 2,909 ft
- Total Miles on Trip: 14.5
I wake up a few times throughout the night but immediately fall back asleep. Finally, when I open my eyes, it’s light outside and I check my watch. 5:50 A.M. I crawl out of the tent dragging my sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and pack. I do my best not to wake Kevin who is sleeping.
I think of our plan for the day. We are going to leave our packs at our current location and take a 9 mile out-and-back hike to Cloud’s Rest. The hike is supposed to offer a spectacular view of Yosemite Valley and then we will return back and grab our gear. This idea of “slackpacking” excites me.
Kevin wakes at 6:30 A.M. and we proceed with morning camp things that are new and novel to us. Boil water for breakfast, take down the tent, figure out how to best stuff everything in our pack, and probably 10 other things I’ve forgotten. I even manage to sneak a dip into the chilly Sunrise Lake before we leave. The water feels good as I dunk my body and head under.
We find a discreet location under granite rock (what else is there out here?) to leave our packs. We both take out our bear canisters and make sure our lids are screwed on tightly. I’ve packed some food in a fanny pack that I’ll be taking with me to Cloud’s Rest. My food includes trail mix, salami wrapped in a tortilla, and nut butter. I’m also carrying my water bottle with my filter screwed on the top.
Kevin and I blaze up the trail to Cloud’s Rest without the burden of our packs. I can’t complain about the weight of my pack, as I’ve yet to carry it for a full day, but still feel as if I’m leaving behind some great relief. We pass by day hikers and before we know it we are at the top of Cloud’s Rest. The view is as good as advertised as we have a spectacular view of Yosemite Valley and the Park. Kevin points out to me some of the most famous spots that we can see. I can tell this view is especially special for him as he grew up going to Yosemite with his parents.

After spending about 45 minutes at the top, we make moves to head back to our packs. It’s 4.5 miles back and mostly downhill. Kevin and I are feeling so good that we even jog two small parts on the way back. Packless freedom!
We arrive to find our gear untouched in its discrete spot. I’m relieved as the last 5 minutes were spent with terrible visuals of our food and packs laying in a heap torn to bits by a bear or marmot. I try to organize my pack as quickly as possible as an all-out mosquito onslaught ensues. I make it out with only a little smeared blood on my arm and Kevin follows. My back isn’t so lucky.
We have another 2.5 miles to finish our day and head to our camping spot for the night, Sunrise High Sierra Camp. We are making phenomenal time and by 1:30 P.M., we are only one mile away from our intended camping spot. Despite our good time, or maybe because of it, my body is starting to feel the strain. My legs feel heavy and my feet feel hot and sweaty. Please no blisters goes my little prayer.
When we get to the Sierra High Camp, it’s completely deserted. Kevin tells me how in a normal summer it’d be filled with hikers and Yosemite Park ranger staff. Apparently, there are even some shelters put up for people to stay-in and a dining area with cooked food. Even with the currently deserted area, I’m grateful for the open put toilets that have toilet paper AND hand sanitizer. Yay!
By the time Kevin and I set-up our tent, it’s 2:15 P.M. We spend the next couple of hours on our own and I rest my tired body. As the mosquitoes grow worse (or were they always this bad?) I challenge Kevin to a game of Morels, a card game I brought along for the trip. We play in the tent and Kevin demolishes me twice but I think we both win as the mosquitos mostly stay outside our tent.
For dinner, I have a delicious meal of dehydrated beef tacos with added veggies, olive oil, and mayo. Kevin eats a Backpacker’s Meal of dehydrated red beans and rice. It’s just before 8 P.M. when I call it quits and head into the tent for the night. Tomorrow our plan is to hike to Cathedral Lakes for lunch. We’re ahead of schedule due to a slightly changed itinerary but I ain’t mad at it.