Today’s Miles: 25
Total Trip Miles: 220/2690
I’m planning on doing a big day today. I want to do 25 miles, which would drop me about 5 miles short of Steven’s Pass Ski Lodge. And then tomorrow I’ll grab my resupply at Steven’s Pass and keep pushing forward. Every other hiker I’ve talked to is hitching from Steven’s Pass to the neighboring towns of Skykomish or Levenworth for food and lodging. Not me though. I want to keep hiking and get to Snoqualmie before jumping off trail for a night.
An hour into morning hiking, I run into another hiker heading north, opposite direction I’m walking. He’s tall, skinny, and introduces himself as Chezwick. “Where you going?” I ask.
“Canada. And then heading East on the Pacific Northwest Trail. I’m doing the Great Western Loop Trail.” The route sounds vaguely and the hiker gives me the details on what the Great Western Loop is. It is an astonishing 6,800 miles which covers territory in the Grand Canyon, the whole PCT, and the Pacific Northwest trail. My mind is totally blown and he tells me it should take him 7 months averaging between 30-35 miles. It occurs to me as we are talking he is pretty much done with the PCT, which blows my mind. We depart and I feel inspired to hit my 25 goal, with the monstrous trip Chezwick is undertaking.
As I continue to cruise into the morning, I pass by Lifeboy just as he is leaving camp. He’s just about to depart so l have a hiking buddy for a bit. At some point, he mentions all he has for food is a ramen packet which he is saving for dinner. This is great news for both of us, because I have an extra day or two of food that I’ve been lugging around. I give him a log of salami, a tuna packet, and some corn tortillas.
We depart at Pear Lake, where I’m breaking for an early lunch. Lifeboy is pushing on to make it to Steven’s Pass tonight and hitch to Skykomish. I follow a side trail that’s a quarter of a mile down to the picturesque Pear Lake. It’s a sunny day and a lake that is finally not frozen over. Finally, finally I get the chance to take my first dip in a lake. It feels amazing refreshing and I do some scrubbing of dirt on my legs and feet. I don’t spend too long in there though- it’s breathtakingly cold.

It’s a good climb in front of me from Pear Lake to the top of Grizzly Peak. I read that Grizzly Peak is a rare mountain on the PCT that you actually summit, as opposed to taking a pass on through. I’m inspired by the idea of summiting which helps me not think about the hot climb in store for me. It seems every day out here you’re guaranteed one hot exposed climb in the afternoon sun. Well, this is going to be my climb today.
I get to the top of Grizzly Peak in a little under two hours and it’s gorgeous. The section right before you hit the top is a beautiful meadow, with wildflowers and sweeping views of the mountain. It’s downhill from here for the rest of the evening.

I reach my intended camp site at about 8 pm feeling tired and happy. It was a pretty long day. The bottom of my feet ache from carrying the weight of myself and my pack all day over dirt, rocks, and snow. But I made my 25 miles. And I’m only 5 miles outside of Steven’s Pass. I check Guthook information on Steven’s Pass and read a comment without a date that Steven’s has an “espresso bar that runs daily”. I try not to get too hopeful about this but I can’t help myself. That was probably pre-COVID and I shouldn’t expect hot coffee tomorrow. But if there is, it’d be so damn good….
Beautiful scenery. If you can get some, try Arnica cream on your feet.