Today’s miles: 22
PCT Miles Hiked: 555/2660
When I wake up this morning, the sun is glowing red. So far I have, knock on wood, avoided fires and hiking in smoke. But fires are currently bad in Southern Oregon and Nor Cal. It feels a bit like playing roulette- you just don’t know. But coming into the hike, I was highly aware that wildfires will occur and I’ll almost surely need to reroute or skip trail at some point.
As I hike into the morning, I get great views of Mt. Hood. I’m headed right for the base of Mt. Hood, where the iconic Timberline Lodge sits. I’ll be picking up a resupply there, hopefully grabbing some food tonight, camping behind the Lodge, and then of course the breakfast buffet the next morning. In order to get to these things though, I have a pretty massive day of climbing ahead of me. Something between 5,000-6,000 feet of ascent.

The first ascent is challenging, as the air transitions from its morning coolness to plain hot. I try to take a break at the end of the first climb before starting my next one, but the biting black flies don’t allow much time for this. I sit for 10 minutes or so, covering up with my wind pants and long sleeved hoodie, stuffing cheese and lunch meet in my mouth. It’s a short break and I’m back on the move again.
I’m only two miles or so out when the trail begins to open up and I can see directly I’m heading to the Timberline Lodge. I get a big rush of adrenaline and a sense of accomplishment washes over me. For some reason, I feel arriving at the Timberline Lodge is more meaningful than crossing Bridge of the Gods. John and I stopped here at Timberline Lodge when he drove me up to the border. I remember seeing Pacific Crest Trail signage at the lodge and on the surrounding highway. At the time, it felt like such a foreign and wild idea to even get all the way from the Canadian/US border to the Timberline. And yet here I am!

In high spirits, I arrive and order a great chicken salad with a sparkling cold water and coffee to drink on the side. I find the SOBO hiker Muggle, who passed me earlier today, and we spend time in the lodge charging devices and enjoying the cushiness of sitting at a table. At some point, I pull out my chess board and we get a game going.
As the evening rolls around, Muggle and I head back behind the Lodge to set up camp. On our way, we run into a group of SOBO hikers I’ve hiked a bit with and have seen in towns. The group of four is in the parking lot getting a bus to Government Camp, 10 minutes down the road, and then trying to hitch to Bend. It’s already nearly 7:30 and there plan to try to get to Bend tonight seems ambitious, but shoot why not. Muggle and I tell them we will see them down the trail and head back behind the trees to camp for the night.
I am glad things are going well for you. The pictures have been great. It is fun to read your updates. I feel like I am hiking with you. You are on quite an adventure. I wish you well on the trail ahead.