Today’s Miles: 22
Total Trip Miles: 862/2660
I don’t wake up until 7 this morning, which may be the latest I have slept on trail. It’s 7:45 by the time I start walking and I feel lackadaisical heading out. I embrace this and travel slowly, picking and eating huckleberries at my leisure. It’s a nice change of pace from just mashing out miles.

The day is hot and I feel the temperatures must be approaching the low 90’s. I break for lunch at a shaded campground about 1/3 of a mile off trail that has a water spigot. It also has free showers but I pass, having taken one yesterday at Lake of the Woods. I do pour water on my head and shirt in an attempt to stay cool.

I have a miniature climb ahead of me leaving the campground, only 900 feet or so, but the heat is taking something out of me. As I trudge along, another hiker going the opposite way asks “You doing alright?”
“Ya,” I reply in a flat voice. “Just hot.”
I get to the top of the climb and am rejuvenated by two things. First, I talk to a Northbound hiker who tells me Ashland, which I’ll be arriving to tomorrow, was awesome and gives me the number for a cheap hostel. After our conversation, I call and book two nights, no problem. Secondly, I’m about 3 miles away from Hyatt Resort which I’ll drop in, grab some food, and hike out. Apparently, they’ll even pick you up if you call them, saving a mile and a half of road walking.
I get to the road that leads to Hyatt and a van is about to leave with two other hikers in it. It’s the ride I’m looking for and I jump in. The two other hikers introduce themselves as Aioli and Throat, and when we get to the restaurant at the resort, I grab a table with them. The conversation is easy and fun, and I put down a 1/2 pound burger. In the middle of our meal, Aioli notices there is still 1/3 of an uneaten pizza at the table next to us, and the people have left. “Should I grab it?” he asks us. Sure, we tell him. He does and we all get a slice.
The van announces it’s leaving back to trail and I rush to grab my things and catch the ride. I do and I’m back on trail after being off for less than an hour and a half. It’s the way of Southern Oregon- flat with a million spots to pop off trail and grab a bite. I think the key is to only stay for one meal and not spend the night at these little resorts. I think that’s how you end up spending too much money and not hiking enough miles. I feel pretty good about how I have followed this self-imposed rule.
I walk a few more lazy miles and pitch my tent next to a small reservoir. There’s a family camped on the other side of the water, and I hear them argue on and on about the rules for some card game. Finally, I realize I have headphones and that this may be a good time to use them. Goodnight world.