Today’s Miles: 14
Total Miles: 952
Around 2 am last night, I woke up at Steve’s house to the sound of a dog barking. I peered out my window and with the light from the moon, could see Steve’s German Shepard going berserk at something in the shadows. All of the sudden the dog moves back and yelps, and then continues barking furiously. I can’t see the intruder, but I can hear him. Shortly Steve is outside with a flashlight, shirtless, yelling at the bear to go away. It seems to retreat although the German Shepard is still going crazy. Steve confirms in the morning that yes, it was a bear trying to get imto his apple tree that he chased away last night.
Mousetrap and I ended up at Steve’s house last night and he is dropping us off at Sonora Pass this morning. We make the one hour and 30 minute drive from Woodfords to Sonora Pass and get to the trail head around 9:30 am. Back on the PCT.
Steve hikes out the first mile with us and we take a couple of pictures upon departure. It was fun hanging out the past night and getting to do a little of the trail with him. Now, it’s Mousetrap and myself and we are off into the beginning of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range.

It’s apparent very early on that we are not in Oregon anymore. The beginning is steep but the scenery is lovely, as we quickly ascend above 10,000 feet. It’s all open space out here, as we walk on rocky ridges that give expansive views of the jagged mountains.

The sky only gets bluer as the day progresses and the fires already feel distant. In the heart of the afternoon, we drop into the trees and find ourselves walking by a series of flowing streams. I can see in the distance granite mountainous peaks that are part of Yosemite National Park. I didn’t realize how fast we would be in Yosemite, as we will be entering the park tomorrow and should be in Toulomne Meadows in 2-3 days.
Mousetrap and I set up camp next to bridge that brings you over Walker River. As we are eating dinner, a skinny hiker with blonde bleached hair walks over. After Mousetrap and I introduce ourselves, he gives us his trail name which is Blueprint. Aha! Finally, putting a face to this guy. I’ve been seeing his name in every trail register and heard his name come up by word of mouth. It’s cool to finally meet him and after dinner, he produces a frisbee that he has been carrying around since he picked it up in Oregon. We throw the frisbee around, using the granite shelves as something of a playground. After frisbee, I take out my chess board and somehow squander two games of chess to Mousetrap, the last one I most definitely should have beaten him. After the game, I venture into the dark to grab water for myself and Mousetrap. Next game will be different and he will be grabbing the water….